Small numbers of Fieldfares were around the area, a Buzzard flew over, two Marsh Tits were in the bushes. There seemed to be fewer Blue and Great Tits around, which was reflected in the ringing totals.
Between 10:30am and 1:50pm, 13 new birds and 11 retraps (shown in brackets below) were caught:
- Blue Tit 2 (1)
- Bullfinch 1
- Goldfinch 4 (1)
- Greenfinch 2
- Long-tailed Tit 1 (4)
- Marsh Tit 1
- Robin 1 (1)
- Song Thrush 1
- Dunnock (3)
- Great-spotted Woodpecker (1)

The female Bullfinch (see left) was only the 2nd ringed at the site this year (the first being ringed in May).
The retrap Great-spotted Woodpecker was first ringed on 30th October.
It was good to actually retrap a Goldfinch at last - this was the first bird retrapped, with a total of 27 now having been ringed so far this year.