With no trainees or other helpers, it was down to me today. First bird at 6 am, second half an hour later, then a third at 7 o'clock. Well, by then the fog had come down and there was a slight breeze . Forty minutes later, a Blackbird. Then, a bit of a rush; three birds at 8, one at 8.30 and two more before the hour was out. Shortly after, 2 male Whitethroats had an arguement - to their detriment and my pleasure.

Was the fog thinning? Ah haa, 09.17 and there's hope of some sunshine. Hope accomplished and three birds in the nets with the final bird at 9.50. Well, not quite. I spooked the second Wood Pig of the day into the top shelf, shortly after, but that was it. Zilch until take down at 11.30.
The day's tally was 11 species, 13 new birds and 4 re-traps as follows:
Woodpigeon 2
Blue Tit (1) - we had lifted this bird off a nest 1 week ago
Blackcap 1
Garden Warbler 1 (1) - r/t female first ringed last May
Whitethroat 3
Reed Warbler 1
Wren 1
Blackbird 2
Dunnock (1)
Chaffinch 1 (1)
Goldfinch 1
Would have been good practice for the trainees - had they not had events on their social calendars.
The May blossom was a picture when the sun came out.

Characteristic "loose feathering" of a juvenile bird.

Back view of a male Chaffinch. Note the new versus old tertials.

... and, when the sun comes out, my all time favoutite ...

Just for good measure (500 gm worth) ...

For an overview of how we got on with our tit boxes, go HERE
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