Thursday, OMO, Priory CP.
Last session of the 2009 season for Constant Effort ringing. Now we go back to ringing for ourselves. A decent day, both weather-wise and for the birds, to round off the summer - with 27 birds of which 26 were juvvies & 19 were new. The only adult bird was a male Goldfinch in moult which had to go down as a '4'. Some of the young Blackcaps are beginning to put on a bit of fat, at last. The best was only F20 (ESF).
(Retraps in brackets). Wren (1), Dunnock 2 (1), Blackbird (3), Reed Warbler 4, Lesser 'throat 1, Whitethroat 1 (1), Blackcap 5 (2), Treecreeper 1 - our 2nd in a week, Greenfinch 1, Goldfinch 3, Bullfinch 1.
An adult male Sprawk came down the 'dark' (north) side of the Long Hedge and hit the net by a pole as I was walking up. Even though I was quite close, it wriggled and got out. Half an hour later, it came back over. There has been a noticeable increase in 'feathers' on the ground recently, presumable from his attacks (or that of his like). Also a male Kestrel over (they don't normally cruise over this far from their territory).
This year has not been the best for adults "in the net" - I suspect they have had it relatively easy and have been breeding "non-stop", without a lot of too-ing & fro-ing which has not been to our advantage . The juvenile productivity has been excellent; it has been the best year since 1992-94! It was the best ever for Dunnock, Robin, Song Thrush, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, & Goldfinch - and 2nd best for Blackbird & Great Tit.
Statistics:- 372 individual birds caught, 99 adults (51 birds from previous years), 273 juveniles. 18 years under our belt.
The last CES at the Thorns will be this Saturday. That's 22 years worth.