The weather stayed good all day but the wind picked up as the day went on.
Altogether, 8 of us turned up with tools in hand (but alas no chainsaw!), food (tatties for the bonfire) and lots of enthusiasm.
Above: The main area largely cleared of those thorny growths! The gap you can see was created as a 'flight path' for birds.
Above: Alongside one of the net rides. Note that we leave some scrub as it is, some is coppiced (down to the ground) and some is pollarded (well above ground level). This creates a variety of different ages and height of habitat, helping to improve biodiversity.
Above: Sometimes, scrub bothering can be such a drag! Sorry Guy!
Above: Head down, hard at it, this young(ish) man - Mike - did as much as any of us!
Above: Here we are battling our way through the 'thorn wars'
The potatoes came out of the bonfire well, I boiled the storm kettles so the troops could have their tea/coffee and everybody got stuck in.
Thank you to those who turned up. Same next year?
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