We set 3 seperate nets and collected 31 birds of 12 spp. altogether in just a couple of hours. 19 were new and the other 12 were re-traps.
Wren - 0/1/0, Dunno - 0/0/1,
Robin - 0/1/0, Sedwa - 0/1/0 = bird of the day?
Reewa - 0/2/1 (a 9F according to the records),
Chiff - 1/2/4 (all juvs from the 'rough'),
Wilwa - 0/1/0; poss a hybrid, Lotti - 0/2/4 (2 ads, 2 'juvs'),
Bluti - 0/4/1, Greti - 0/0/1,
Treec - 0/1/0; a ringing tick for Ed.
Bullf - 0/3/0; 1 first brood, 2 second brood, all in PJ.
For me, the Chiffs were the real highlight of the day; how many are struggling to find enough insect prey due to the rains. Their weights seeemed OK for now and the forecast is for better weather. We'll see!
Pix by EDG
Above: This tree creeper crept into one of the nets on the spit.
Above: A party of three. Another party of 3 were caught later on.
Above: The best of a bad bunch of photographs of the Sedge (it wouldn't sit still!). I blame the cameraman, oh, wait a minute, that was me. Ah well. Ed.
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